Scratch Project: Catch the Apples
A simple and fun Scratch game where players control a basket to catch falling apples
Scratch User •
Scratch Project: Catch the Apples
This is a simple and entertaining Scratch game where players need to control a basket to catch apples falling from the sky.
Game Instructions
- Use the left and right arrow keys to move the basket
- Catch falling apples to score points
- Each caught apple is worth 1 point
- If you miss an apple, the game ends
Game Features
- Easy-to-learn controls
- Fun graphics and sound effects
- Scoring system
- Game over condition
Technical Details
The game is created using Scratch 3.0 and includes the following elements:
- Sprites: basket, apple
- Variables: score
- Events: key press events, collision detection
- Control: loops, conditional statements
- Motion: sprite movement You can play the game directly here:
Play the Game
You can experience this game on the Scratch website:
Play “Catch the Apples” on Scratch
Learning Resources
If you’re interested in creating similar games, check out these resources:
- Official Scratch tutorials
- Projects shared by the Scratch community
- Online Scratch programming courses
Start your Scratch game development journey today! Remember, every great game developer begins with simple projects.